Master’s degree in “Archaeology, sciences for archaeology”
The master’s degree in Archaeology, Sciences for Archaeology, from Rennes (master ASA) is a master’s degree under the Department of History and the UFR Social Sciences. It is common to the universities of Rennes 1, Rennes 2 and Le Mans. It also offers in Master 1 the possibility of sharing certain courses with the University of Nantes.
Training organization
Single course in Master 1 and single course in Master 2, with a common core of lessons and courses to choose from. 7 weeks of lessons per semester in Master 1 (i.e. a total of 14 weeks); 7 weeks of Master 2 courses in the first semester + practical internships in the second semester. The teaching combines both chronological specialization courses (from the Palaeolithic to contemporary times), introductory courses in various archaeometric disciplines (bioarchaeology, materials archaeology, organic and inorganic chemistry applied to archaeology), courses in disciplinary methodology (GIS, CAD, 3D, building archaeology, palaeography, etc.) and in dissertation methodology and research practice.
In addition to the courses, Master 1 and Master 2 are required to write and defend a research dissertation. This plays a very important role in training.
For more information: Hypotheses Notebook
Students can take their administrative registration, at their choice, in one or other of the universities co-accrediting this diploma, in M1 as in M2, but the face-to-face courses and tests take place in Rennes 2 (for M1 and courses 1 and 2 of M2) and in Nantes (for courses 3 and 4 of M2). For practical details and more information:
These courses are attracting a growing number of students who visit the laboratory premises: most of them do their research dissertation and their internships under the direction of CReAAH researchers or teacher-researchers. Open internationally (a dual degree was established with Italy in 2017), this degree is closely linked to current practices in archeology, both in the professional field and in that of research, offering a variety of opportunities. This training takes into account all chronological periods, from ancient prehistory to contemporary times. Geographically, if the classical ancient worlds enter into the training, this diploma also aims to allow a specialized teaching of the contributions of archaeological research carried out in the West of France. The courses cover the widest possible range of the multiple orientations currently developed in archeology and make the link between archaeological science and historical science. Part of the teaching is at the meeting point of these disciplines, where multidisciplinarity is essential.
Other Master’s courses
On the sites of Rennes 2, Nantes and Le Mans, the teacher-researchers of the UMR also intervene, with a role of responsibility, in the training of other diplomas in relation to the research axes of the CReAAH, and more particularly:
At Rennes 2, in the Master’s degree « Digital Humanities » (co-responsible for the mention: K. Karila-Cohen, CReAAH): https://sites-formations.univ-rennes2. fr/master-humanitesnumeriques/
At Mans, in the Master’s degree « History, Civilizations, Heritage » (responsible for the E. Bertrand mention, CReAAH). This one comprises
3 courses, 2 of which under the co-responsibility of EC du CReAAH: « Cultures, knowledge and techniques » (R. Compatangelo-Soussignan); “Heritage and local development” (A. Durand). Cf. -history-civilization-heritage.html
At Nantes, in the Master’s degree « Civilizations, Cultures and Societies », course « Valorization of New Heritage » (head: H. Rousteau-Chambon, CReAAH). See–2145434.kjsp
At Nantes, in the Master’s degree « History, Civilizations, Heritage », course « History of art and material culture (from Antiquity to the present day) » (head: H. Rousteau-Chambon, CReAAH).
Alongside the very many interns in M1 and M2 (not listed here) coming mainly from the « Archaeology, Archaeological Sciences » master’s training, 37 doctoral students have been part of the UMR CReAAH since January 2018 on its various sites. . During the last five-year period (2012-2016), 27 theses were defended within the framework of CReAAH activities.
Since the start of the 2017-2018 academic year, all CReAAH doctoral students have been enrolled in the same « Societies, Time, Territories » (STT) Doctoral School of the Universities of Brittany-Loire (UBL), which brings together supervisors and doctoral students from 12 establishments in the two regions of Brittany and Pays de la Loire attached to 18 different laboratories (Cf. . With regard to the CReAAH, the establishments of Rennes 1 and 2, Nantes and Le Mans have been accredited to deliver a doctoral degree from ED STT.
E. Bertrand (EC, CReAAH-Le Mans) is a member of the Board of the Doctoral School which has, among its various missions, that of selecting candidates admitted to registration, the allocation of funding for mobility assistance and the organization of scientific events for and by doctoral students. For the latter, the ED STT provides various training courses, specific or transversal, covering disciplines of a very broad spectrum which are within its purview: Anthropology, Archaeology, Geography, History, Sociology, Urbanism, etc. At the end of the thesis, the future doctors of the CReAAH of the various sites of attachment can be awarded a diploma bearing one of the following mentions: Archaeology, Archaeosciences, Architecture, Environment, History, History of Art, Heritage.
The UMR CReAAH has organized an annual Doctoral Students’ Day since 2008. Doctoral students are invited to present an oral communication or a poster, depending on the progress of their work and are subject to questions from an audience made up of their counterparts but also researchers, many of whom are thesis supervisors.
CReAAH doctoral students must also participate during their thesis in other doctoral days organized by their ED (for the first ED STT Days in Angers in 2017 cf.: https://ed-stt., as well as by OSUR on the Rennes 1 site (see https://osur.univ-rennes1. fr/news/journee-des-doctorants-de-l039observatoire.html )..