This page brings together the bases developed within the CReAAH and will be supplemented regularly.

ABCData (Chantal Leroyer and Enora Maguet)

The ABCData project is an archaeobotanical database attached to UMR 6566 CReAAH. It is the result of an original project to bring together palynological and anthracological data in connection with the available archaeological information in a single medium.

The data is stored in a relational DBMS (mySQL), and accessible through a web interface developed especially for the project, thus making it possible to meet the specific needs of the DB and its operation.

ABCData is both a backup and sharing platform, but also a query tool allowing the calculation of queries (summaries of data including many parameters) and the display of results (tables, graphs, maps) .

It therefore offers project collaborators a space for the archiving of their data in a collective and decentralized mode as well as the consultation and exploitation (statistical, spatial and chronological) of their data and of the entire corpus from the base. Its structure has been tailor-made to meet the requirements of interoperability and interdisciplinarity, the latter still too often remaining an obstacle to the cross-referencing of results, yet so rich in information. Improvements are still regularly made to the site, carried by frequent round trips between the various contributors and developers of the project. – Registration required

ALeRT (Marie-Yvane Daire)

The ALeRT (Archaeology, Coastline and Terrestrial Warming) project, developed on the Channel-Atlantic coasts of France, aims to contribute to the knowledge and governance of coastal areas and their cultural heritage; the diachronic approach is centered on the crucial question of the vulnerability of this heritage, faced with the pressures exerted by the effects of climate change and the increasing anthropization of the shores; it is based on the principle of “protection by registration”. (preservation by record). In partnership with the various actors of the territory, dedicated tools have been developed with the dual objective of improving scientific knowledge and helping governance. The implementation integrates the involvement of various communities in the use of these tools (Coastal Conservatory, network guards, local authorities and the public) in a participatory and citizen scientific construction approach. This project is part of an approach developed more broadly on a European scale, as part of the Scottish SCAPE program (Scottish Coastal Archeology and the Problem of Erosion), extended since 2012 by the Scharp project (Scotland’s Coastal Heritage at Risk), for example. – Registration required

ALOA (Marie-Yvane Daire)

The ALOA project (Archéologie Littorale Outre Atlantique) is part of an approach to adapt to the consequences of global change and anthropogenic pressure on the coasts and aims to anticipate their destructive effects on cultural, coastal and maritime heritage, in the French West Indies (archipelago of Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin) thanks to a participatory and public action based on a « Research-Action » approach. The main objective is to monitor these phenomena and contribute to the development of local solutions or global strategies in order to identify, manage, protect or save vulnerable coastal heritage sites. 

With an original, interdisciplinary and inter-institutional experience, of fourteen years in the field of the vulnerability of coastal heritage in the west of mainland France (ALeRT project: Archaeology, Coastline and Terrestrial Warming), experience having enabled the development of a process at the interface of scientific research and heritage management as well as the validation of tools dedicated to this problem, the ALOA project is based on a collaboration not only between scientists and academic managers (archaeologists, archaeometers, geologists, geographers, lawyers) but also with the public and local actors (Region, municipalities, Coastal Conservatory, Park) and society in the broad sense (associations, inhabitants, tourists) – Participatory project

ArcheoMetal-armorican (Cécile Le Carlier De Veslud and Emmanuelle Meunier)

This database aims to reference ancient mining and metallurgical sites on the Armorican Massif. The old productions of western countries are known mainly through a few activities related in particular to the middle of the sea or to the agricultural environment. However, these regions have for a very long time produced very large quantities of metals, because they are regions very rich in various metals (gold, tin, lead, iron). Their exploitation has truly contributed to the regional wealth in all ancient times, from the appearance of the first productions at the end of the Neolithic period, until the modern period, an industry already largely forgotten in the collective memory. – Registration required to access the complete data

BasePetroCeram (Benjamin Gehres)

BasePetroCeram is a collaborative database allowing geolocated grouping of the various petrographic studies of ceramic materials carried out in France and abroad. This database was born from a simple observation, the lack of dissemination of work from the gray literature, but also a difficult visibility of analyzes within articles. It is thus a question of highlighting the petrographic studies of a geographical area, or even of a chronological period. This base will be open to users and will embrace the principles of “open science”. – Registration required

EAPSM (Catherine Dupont)

The “European Atlantic Prehistoric Shell-middens” database aims to describe all the archaeological components that make up a shell midden from flint to crab claw. It has an Atlantic geographical area which goes from the north of the Scandinavian countries to the south of Portugal and concerns the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. It was created to be able to synthesize and map the data of the various archaeological disciplines involved in a shell midden. It was born from the observation of the disparity in the media for publishing data from the complex system that is a shell midden.

The time frame chosen makes it possible to work on a pivotal period in our evolution, namely neolithization or the transition from a way of life of hunter-gatherers to that of farmers. This database makes it possible to work on this transition by questioning the origin of the periodic attribution of the sites, as well as that of the models of residence and subsistence of these prehistoric coastal populations. It is also an expected tool for working on the paleobiogeography of the flora and fauna that make up these clusters.

The purpose of putting this database online is to make it a dynamic tool, to facilitate queries, and to publish it in order to legitimize the publications resulting from it. Our objective is to make it a collaborative tool for the community of archaeologists and even biologists based on data from more than 400 shell middens across the European Atlantic coast.

https://atlanticshellmiddens.cnrs.en/ – Registration required

HaFishAGE (under development – Benoît Clavel, Brice Ephrem and Myriam Sternberg)

This database, associated with a WebGIS, brings together archaeo-ichthyofaunal data concerning the metropolitan territory of France, from prehistory to the present day Beyond simple banking, this research tool was designed to facilitate the interpretation of the results, by a spatial and chronological visualization of the data, and to support the implementation of future studies. – Registration required to access full data

ICARUS (Marie-Yvane Daire and Elias López-Romero)

Iconography and Anthropology Collections of REnnes: constitution and promotion of a digital media library.

The general objective of the ICARE project, led by M.Y. Daire and E. Lopez-Romero, is the safeguard, exploitation and provision of the documentary collection of the former Anthropology laboratory of the University of Rennes (current Archéosciences laboratory, UMR 6566 CReAAH). The iconography dedicated to French prehistory presents, more broadly, an anthropological but also ethnographic or even environmental value because it is made up of documents dating back to the 19th century (or even the 18th century for the oldest) and was enriched throughout the 20th century on various media: glass plates, photos, watercolors, slides, drawings on layers, etc.

More than 132,000 documents have been digitized (as part of a partnership with CIRM, University of Rennes 1). Referencing is in progress, in partnership with the MSHB. – Registration required to access Nakala repositories

PETRA Lithothèque (Laure Déodat, Mikaël Guiavarc’h and Grégor Marchand)

This is a database of reference deposits and geological samples from the Great West of France kept in the lithotheque of the Archéosciences laboratory in Rennes. – Registration required

Monoxyle canoes (Vincent Bernard)

This database was created at the end of the 1990s by Béat ARNOLD, former cantonal archaeologist in Neuchâtel (CH) and specialist in prehistoric and historic boats. He is known worldwide for an inventory of Swiss and French dugout canoes, the first work of its kind published in 1995 and 1996 (2 volumes). Since then, he has designed this database with the computer scientist in his department, a database that he wanted to make public and therefore accessible to the scientific community. This diffusion was relatively modest since it was done via CD-Rom that one could ask him directly. The current site pursues this initial desire since it corresponds to the Internet adaptation of the database. It has also been equipped with additional digital tools to carry out in-depth research. – Registration required

PYL BDD (Pierre-Yves Laffont)

This site brings together certain databases of Pierre-Yves Laffont: the churches, the bibliography and the written sources of the Vivarais. – Registration required
